Magnet » Biomedical Sciences, Engineering & Leadership

Biomedical Sciences, Engineering & Leadership

About BSEL

Middle School

In the Biomedical Sciences, Engineering and Leadership Academy, we explore the concepts of human medicine, physiology, genetics, microbiology and public health. Students begin with engineering and computer science electives in sixth grade. In seventh and eighth grades, students take engineering, robotics and medical detectives.


High School

In the Biomedical Sciences, Engineering and Leadership High School, there are two pathways: Biomedical Sciences and Engineering. In the Biomedical Sciences pathway, we explore the concepts of human medicine, physiology, genetics, microbiology and public health. In the Engineering pathway, we engage in the engineering design process, open-ended problem solving, vital teamwork, communication, and critical thinking. In addition to taking Biomedical Sciences or Engineering electives for all four years, SVMS students take four years of mathematics, science, and Spanish, which allows graduates to compete at top universities.


    Our Mission

    Developing leaders in Biomedical Sciences, Engineering and other fields who collaborate to produce socially responsible research, systems, and technologies aimed at advancing quality of life on a local and global scale.

    Magnet-Wide Strategy
    Magnet-Wide Strategy