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Bell Schedule

Morning Entrances: Gates open at 7:30AM
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bell schedule for 2023-2024 school year

Bell Schedule 2
What is a 4x4 schedule?

The 4x4 schedule is a quarter system. Students take 4 classes every 9 to 10 weeks, 4 times during the school year. They will take up to 16 classes during the year. Some classes like Math will be all year and they will get 4 math classes during the course of the year. Other classes like science, history, and electives, will only be for 2 quarters and then they will change to a different subject.

The benefit of the 4x4 quarter system is that it allows students to get the intervention and support they need in classes like math and English and/or get opportunities to take extra elective classes. Also, students only have to worry about homework and studying for 4 classes at a time instead of 7.